author llbatlle@taga
Wed, 31 Dec 2008 12:09:04 +0100
changeset 4 3ecde21e0834
permissions -rw-r--r--
New commit from the office.

wxWindow: Mother of all visible GUI objects
wxFrame: A wm window (not a simple wxWindow) resizable by the user, with a title bar
wxDialog: Similar to wxFrame, but can be modal.
wxPanel: A wxWindow where the controls (other wxWindows) are placed. Like a
Dialog placeable *not only* in a new wm window.

Any wxWindow can have a sizer: wxWindow::SetSizer().

- Border: pixels around each internal control
- Minimal Size: set by each internal control
- Alignment:
- Stretch factor: (specified as 'proportion' to some sizers)
  - 0 : always minimum space for each control.
  - >1 : proportional size related to the sum of all control stretch factors.