author viric@mandarina
Thu, 15 May 2008 19:00:38 +0200
changeset 1 840aebd2e31e
permissions -rw-r--r--
New pages


Action on mobile device/client (e.g. iPhone/Outlook)    Result in Gmail on the
Open a message  Mark a message as read
Flag a message  Apply a star to the message
Move a message to a folder  Apply a label to the message
Move a message to a folder within a folder* Apply a label showing folder
hierarchy ('MainFolder/SubFolder')*
Create a folder Create a label
Move a message to [Gmail]/Spam  Report a message as spam
Move a message to [Gmail]/Trash Move a message to Trash
Send a message  Store message in Sent Mail
Delete a message in inbox** Remove the message from inbox**
Delete a message from a folder**    Remove that label from the message**
Delete a message from [Gmail]/Spam or [Gmail]/Trash Delete the message