changeset 0 6b8091ca909a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:6b8091ca909a
     1 // 
     2 //
     3 //     	Routines to manage a singly-linked list of "things".
     4 //
     5 // 	A "ListElement" is allocated for each item to be put on the
     6 //	list; it is de-allocated when the item is removed. This means
     7 //      we don't need to keep a "next" pointer in every object we
     8 //      want to put on a list.
     9 // 
    10 //     	NOTE: Mutual exclusion must be provided by the caller.
    11 //  	If you want a synchronized list, you must use the routines 
    12 //	in
    13 //
    14 // Copyright (c) 1992-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
    15 // All rights reserved.  See copyright.h for copyright notice and limitation 
    16 // of liability and disclaimer of warranty provisions.
    19 #include "list.h"
    21 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    22 // ListElement::ListElement
    23 // 	Initialize a list element, so it can be added somewhere on a list.
    24 //
    25 //	"itemPtr" is the item to be put on the list.  It can be a pointer
    26 //		to anything.
    27 //	"sortKey" is the priority of the item, if any.
    28 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    30 ListElement::ListElement(void *itemPtr, int sortKey)
    31 {
    32      item = itemPtr;
    33      key = sortKey;
    34      next = NULL;	// assume we'll put it at the end of the list 
    35      previous = NULL;
    36 }
    38 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 // List::List
    40 //	Initialize a list, empty to start with.
    41 //	Elements can now be added to the list.
    42 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 List::List()
    45 { 
    46     first = last = NULL;
    47     length = 0;
    48 }
    50 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 // List::~List
    52 //	Prepare a list for deallocation.  If the list still contains any 
    53 //	ListElements, de-allocate them.  However, note that we do *not*
    54 //	de-allocate the "items" on the list -- this module allocates
    55 //	and de-allocates the ListElements to keep track of each item,
    56 //	but a given item may be on multiple lists, so we can't
    57 //	de-allocate them here.
    58 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 List::~List()
    61 { 
    62     while (Remove() != NULL)
    63 	;	 // delete all the list elements
    64 }
    66 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 // List::Append
    68 //      Append an "item" to the end of the list.
    69 //      
    70 //	Allocate a ListElement to keep track of the item.
    71 //      If the list is empty, then this will be the only element.
    72 //	Otherwise, put it at the end.
    73 //
    74 //	"item" is the thing to put on the list, it can be a pointer to 
    75 //		anything.
    76 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 void
    79 List::Append(void *item)
    80 {
    81     ListElement *element = new ListElement(item, 0);
    83     if (IsEmpty()) {		// list is empty
    84 	first = element;
    85 	last = element;
    86     } else {			// else put it after last
    87 	last->next = element;
    88 	element->previous = last;
    89 	last = element;
    90     }
    91     length++;
    92 }
    94 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 // List::Prepend
    96 //      Put an "item" on the front of the list.
    97 //      
    98 //	Allocate a ListElement to keep track of the item.
    99 //      If the list is empty, then this will be the only element.
   100 //	Otherwise, put it at the beginning.
   101 //
   102 //	"item" is the thing to put on the list, it can be a pointer to 
   103 //		anything.
   104 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 void
   107 List::Prepend(void *item)
   108 {
   109     ListElement *element = new ListElement(item, 0);
   111     if (IsEmpty()) {		// list is empty
   112 	first = element;
   113 	last = element;
   114     } else {			// else put it before first
   115 	element->next = first;
   116 	first->previous = element;
   117 	first = element;
   118     }
   119     length++;
   120 }
   122 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 // List::Remove
   124 //      Remove the first "item" from the front of the list.
   125 // 
   126 // Returns:
   127 //	Pointer to removed item, NULL if nothing on the list.
   128 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 void *
   131 List::Remove()
   132 {
   133     return SortedRemove(NULL);  // Same as SortedRemove, but ignore the key
   134     length--;
   135 }
   137 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   138 // List::Mapcar
   139 //	Apply a function to each item on the list, by walking through  
   140 //	the list, one element at a time.
   141 //
   142 //	Unlike LISP, this mapcar does not return anything!
   143 //
   144 //	"func" is the procedure to apply to each element of the list.
   145 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   147 void
   148 List::Mapcar(VoidFunctionPtr func)
   149 {
   150     for (ListElement *ptr = first; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) {
   151        (*func)((int)ptr->item);
   152     }
   153 }
   155 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   156 // List::IsEmpty
   157 //      Returns TRUE if the list is empty (has no items).
   158 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   160 bool
   161 List::IsEmpty() 
   162 { 
   163     if (first == NULL)
   164         return TRUE;
   165     else
   166 	return FALSE; 
   167 }
   169 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 // List::SortedInsert
   171 //      Insert an "item" into a list, so that the list elements are
   172 //	sorted in increasing order by "sortKey".
   173 //      
   174 //	Allocate a ListElement to keep track of the item.
   175 //      If the list is empty, then this will be the only element.
   176 //	Otherwise, walk through the list, one element at a time,
   177 //	to find where the new item should be placed.
   178 //
   179 //	"item" is the thing to put on the list, it can be a pointer to 
   180 //		anything.
   181 //	"sortKey" is the priority of the item.
   182 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 void
   185 List::SortedInsert(void *item, int sortKey)
   186 {
   187     ListElement *element = new ListElement(item, sortKey);
   188     ListElement *ptr;		// keep track
   190     if (IsEmpty()) {	// if list is empty, put
   191         first = element;
   192         last = element;
   193     } else if (sortKey < first->key) {	
   194 		// item goes on front of list
   195 	element->next = first;
   196 	first->previous = element;
   197 	first = element;
   198     } else {		// look for first elt in list bigger than item
   199         for (ptr = first; ptr->next != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) {
   200             if (sortKey < ptr->next->key) {
   201 		element->next = ptr->next;
   202 		element->previous = ptr;
   203 		ptr->next->previous = element;
   204 	        ptr->next = element;
   205 		return;
   206 	    }
   207 	}
   208 	last->next = element;		// item goes at end of list
   209 	element->previous = last;
   210 	last = element;
   211     }
   212     length++;
   213 }
   215 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   216 // List::SortedRemove
   217 //      Remove the first "item" from the front of a sorted list.
   218 // 
   219 // Returns:
   220 //	Pointer to removed item, NULL if nothing on the list.
   221 //	Sets *keyPtr to the priority value of the removed item
   222 //	(this is needed by, for instance).
   223 //
   224 //	"keyPtr" is a pointer to the location in which to store the 
   225 //  priority of the removed item.
   226 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 void *
   229 List::SortedRemove(int *keyPtr)
   230 {
   231     ListElement *element = first;
   232     void *thing;
   234     if (IsEmpty()) 
   235 	return NULL;
   237     thing = first->item;
   238     if (first == last) {	// list had one item, now has none 
   239         first = NULL;
   240 	last = NULL;
   241     } else {
   242         first = element->next;
   243 	if (first != NULL)
   244 	  first->previous = NULL;
   245     }
   246     if (keyPtr != NULL)
   247         *keyPtr = element->key;
   248     delete element;
   249     length--;
   250     return thing;
   251 }
   254 void * List::removeElement(void * item)
   255  //  find this item in list and remove it
   256  // return item  pointer or NULL
   257 {
   258   for (ListElement * ptr = first; ptr!=NULL; ptr= ptr->next)
   259     {
   260       if (ptr->item == item)
   261 	{
   262 	  removeAt(ptr);
   263 	  return item;
   264 	}
   265     }
   266   return NULL;
   268 }
   270 void List::insertAfter(ListElement * listEl, void *item)   
   271  // insert a new item after this one
   272 {
   273     ListElement *newElement = new ListElement(item, 0);
   274     newElement->next = listEl->next;
   275     newElement->previous = listEl;
   276     listEl->next = newElement;
   277     if (last == listEl)
   278       last = newElement;
   279     length++;
   280 }
   283 void List::insertBefore(ListElement * listEl, void *item)   
   284  // insert a new item before this one
   285 {
   286     ListElement *newElement = new ListElement(item, 0);
   287     newElement->next = listEl;
   288     newElement->previous = listEl->previous;
   289     listEl->previous = newElement;
   290     if (first == listEl)
   291       first = newElement;
   292     length++;
   293 }
   297 void List::removeAt(ListElement * listEl)   
   298      // removes listEl from the list. Do not delete it from memory
   299 {
   300     if(first != listEl)
   301       {
   302 	(listEl->previous)->next = listEl->next;
   303       }
   304     else 
   305       {
   306 	first = listEl->next;
   307 	      }
   308     if(last != listEl)
   309       (listEl->next)->previous = listEl->previous;
   310     else 
   311       last = listEl->previous;
   313     if (first != NULL) first->previous = NULL;
   314     if (last != NULL) last->next = NULL;
   317     delete listEl;
   318     length --;
   319 }
   323 void List::printList()
   324 {
   325   int i=0;
   326   printf("length= %d first = %u last = %u\n", length, first, last);
   327   for(ListElement * ptr = first; ptr != NULL; ptr=ptr->next)
   328     {
   329       if ((i++%3) == 0) printf("\n");
   330       printf(" ( %u, %u, %u ) ", ptr->previous, ptr, ptr->next);
   331     }
   332   printf("\n");
   333 }