changeset 0 6b8091ca909a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:6b8091ca909a
     1 #include "system.h"
     2 #include "RLEMap.h"
     3 #include "RLEPair.h"
     4 #include "tcl_interface.h"
     5 #include "status_message.h"
     7  /* *****************************************************************
     8   * - Member functions for an RLEMap                      *
     9   *         
    10   *	RLEMap() - Constructor
    11   *     ~RLEMap() - Destructor
    12   *
    13   *	int imageLength();
    14   *	int imageWidth();
    15   *	MapStatus & status;
    16   *  
    17   * Below is an index of the other functions and the files where they 
    18   * appear.  
    19   *
    20   *   	MapStatus readMap(char * filename) -
    21   *	MapStatus WriteMap(char * filename);
    22   *
    23   *	// Data Access and low level manipulation functions  
    24   *     RLEPairs * row(int i) - Returns a pointer to the list of RLEPairs
    25   *     for row i.                       
    26   *     MapStatus setBit(Point point, Color clr);
    27   *	Color readBit(Point point);
    28   *
    29   *
    30    ***************************************************************/
    32 RLEMap::RLEMap()
    33 : fMapData(NULL), fImageLength(0), fImageWidth(0), fStatus(EMPTY)
    34 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
    35 Primary Function: Constructor
    36 Return Value: pointer to new RLEMap
    37 Effects: Initialize status to empty other values to zero
    38 Rev: 10/6/95  KM
    39 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
    40 { }
    44  RLEMap::~RLEMap()
    45 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
    46 Primary Purpose: destructor
    47 Effects: Deletes each row of RLEPairs then the array of rows
    48 Rev: 10/6/95   KM
    49 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
    50 {
    51   if (fMapData != NULL)
    52     {
    53       int i;
    56       // delete each row
    57       for (i=0; i< fImageLength; i++)
    58 	  {
    59 	    delete fMapData[i];
    60 	  }
    61       // delete array of rows
    62         delete fMapData;   
    63     }
    64 };
    66 int & RLEMap::imageLength()
    67 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
    68 Return Value: vertical length of image in pixels
    69 Constraints: readMap() must have been run and fStatus be VALID
    70 Rev: 10/6 KM
    71 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
    72   {
    73   return fImageLength;
    75 };
    78 int & RLEMap::imageWidth()
    79 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
    80 Return Value: horizontal width of image in pixels
    81 Constraints: readMap() must have been run and fStatus be valid
    82 Rev: 10/20 KM
    83 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
    84 {
    85   return fImageWidth;
    87 }
    90 MapStatus & RLEMap::status()
    91 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
    92 Return Value: return reference to current status EMPTY, VALID etc..
    93 Rev: 10/6/95 KM
    94 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
    95 {
    96   return fStatus;
    98 }
   102 RLEPairs *  RLEMap::operator [](int i)
   103 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
   104 Arguments: i is the row # of the RLEPair list to be returned
   105 Return Value: A pointer to the list of RLEPairs in row i
   106 Rev:  10/20/95 KM
   107 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
   108 {
   110   return fMapData[i];
   111 }
   114 RLEPairs * RLEMap::row(int i)
   115 // Same as overloaded [] function above
   116 {
   117   return fMapData[i];
   118 }
   122 MapStatus RLEMap::readMap(char * filename)
   123 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
   124 Primary Purpose: Read an RLEMap from a TIFF file
   125 Arguments: filename of TIFF file
   126 Return Value: A MapStatus, either VALID or READERROR
   127 Effects:
   128   *  RLEMap::readMap(filename) will read a two level TIFF file
   129   *  and place it in an RLEMap.  The private fields of the RLEMap
   130   *  set are:
   131          fImageWidth - the pixel width of the image
   132 	 fImageLength - the vertical pixel length of the image
   133 	 fstat - the status of the image VALID or READERROR
   134          fMapData - an array of pointers to lists of RLEPairs
   135 Constraints: filename must be a two level TIFF file
   136 Rev: 10/20/95  Portions Borrowed from Assignment 1
   137 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
   138 {
   139   TIFF *tif;
   140   unsigned char * buf;
   141   short photometric;
   143   // Open File - Read length and width
   145   tif = TIFFOpen (filename, "r");
   146   if(tif == NULL)
   147     return READERROR;
   149   TIFFGetField (tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &fImageLength);
   150   TIFFGetField (tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &fImageWidth);
   151   TIFFGetField (tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photometric);
   153   printf("open succeeded on file %s.  length = %d. width = %d ",
   154 	 filename, fImageLength, fImageWidth);
   155   if(photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE)
   156     printf("min-is-white format\n");
   157   else if(photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK )
   158     printf("min-is-black format\n");
   159   else
   160     printf("with an unknown photometric: %d\n", photometric);
   162   // allocate buffer and array for data
   163   int numCharsInBuf = fImageWidth / 8  +1 ;
   164   buf = new unsigned char[numCharsInBuf];
   165   fMapData = new (RLEPairs*)[fImageLength]; 
   167  for (int row = 0; row < fImageLength; ++row)
   168     {
   169       TIFFReadScanline(tif,buf,row,0);
   170       if(photometric != PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE)  /* invert anything except white */
   171 	invertBitsInBuffer(buf, numCharsInBuf);
   173       // Create a list of RLEPairs for this row and fill with buffer data
   174       fMapData[row] = new RLEPairs(row);  
   175       fMapData[row]->fill(buf, numCharsInBuf, row);
   176     }
   177   TIFFClose(tif);
   179   return VALID;
   180 }
   182 short int RLEMap::grayScale(Point ul, Point lr)
   183 // Dummy function for now
   184 {
   185    int numPixels = pixelsInRegion( ul, lr);
   186    int area = (lr.x() - ul.x()+1) * (lr.y() - ul.y()+1);
   187    if (area < numPixels) {
   188      printf("Uh oh! Area = %d and pixels = %d\n", area, numPixels);
   189      assert(area >= numPixels);
   190    }
   191    short int gscale =(short int)(((float)numPixels/area) * 255);
   193    return gscale;
   194  }
   196 int RLEMap::pixelsInRegion(Point ul, Point lr)
   197 {
   198   assert (ul >= Point(0,0));
   199   assert (ul <= lr);
   200   assert (lr <= Point(fImageWidth, fImageLength));
   202   int ulx = ul.x(); int uly = ul.y();
   203   int lrx = lr.x(); int lry = lr.y();
   204   int numPixels = 0;
   205   RLEPairs * curRow;
   207   for (int r = uly; r <= lry; r++)
   208     {
   209       curRow = row(r);
   210       numPixels += curRow->pixelsBetween(ulx, lrx);
   211 //      cout << curRow->pixelsBetween(ulx,lrx) <<" ";
   212  //     cout << numPixels << endl;
   213     }
   215   return numPixels;
   217 }
   219 ListElement*
   220 RLEMap::FindNearVertDot(int startCol, int endCol, int startRow, int endRow) 
   221 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
   222 Primary Purpose: Return closest interval to startRow within bounds of
   223                  startCol and endRow in the direction of endRow. Finds
   224                  closest dot vertically from startRow.
   225 Arguments: startRow is row to start from, startCol and endCol are
   226            left and right boundaries of search. Search in the direction
   227 	   of endRow.
   228 Return Value: An RLE interval - pointer to a list element in RLEPairs 
   229 Effects:
   230 Constraints: startRow < endRow
   231 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
   232 {
   233   ListElement* current;
   234   if (startRow < endRow) {
   235     for (int i = startRow+2; i <= endRow; i++) {
   236       current = fMapData[i]->first;
   237       while (current != NULL) {
   238 	if ((((RLEPair *) current->item)->start <= endCol)
   239 	    && (((RLEPair *) current->item)->end >= startCol))
   240 	  return current;
   241 	current = current->next;
   242       }
   243     }
   244   } else {
   245     for (int i = startRow-2; i >= endRow; i--) {
   246       current = fMapData[i]->first;
   247       while (current != NULL) {
   248 	if ((((RLEPair *) current->item)->start <= endCol)
   249 	    && (((RLEPair *) current->item)->end >= startCol))
   250 	  return current;
   251 	current = current->next;
   252       }
   253     }
   254   }
   255   return NULL;
   256 }
   262 ListElement*
   263 RLEMap::FindNearHorizDot(int startCol, int startRow, int endRow) 
   264 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
   265 Primary Purpose: Return closest interval to startCol within bounds of
   266                  startRow and endRow (startRow is lower). Finds
   267                  closest dot horizontally from startCol.
   268 Arguments: startCol is column to start from, startRow and endRow are
   269            upper and lower boundaries of search
   270 Return Value: An RLE interval - pointer to a list element in RLEPairs 
   271 Effects:
   272 Constraints: startRow < endRow
   273 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
   274 {
   275   ListElement* answer = NULL;
   276   ListElement* current;
   277   int closest = fImageWidth;
   279   for (int i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++) {
   280     current = fMapData[i]->first;
   281     while ((current != NULL) && (((RLEPair *) current->item)->end 
   282 				 < startCol)) {
   283       current = current->next;
   284     }
   285     if ((current != NULL) && (((RLEPair *) current->item)->start < closest)) {
   286       answer = current;
   287       closest = ((RLEPair *) answer->item)->start;
   288     }
   289   }
   290   return answer;
   291 }
   296 void testRLEMap(char * filename)
   297 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
   298 Primary Purpose: Test the reading of tiff files into RLE format
   299 Effects:  Reads filename,  puts it into RLE format then prints
   300 Rev:  10/7/95 KM
   301 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
   302 {
   303   RLEMap m;
   305   m.readMap(filename);
   306   if (m.imageLength() < 100)  printMap(&m);
   307   testpixelsBetween(&m);   // In - tests pixelsBetween function
   308 }
   311 void printMap(RLEMap * map)
   312 {
   313   int startX = 0;
   314   int endX = 0;
   315   int pos;    
   316   RLEPair * item;
   317   RLEPairs * rowdata;
   319   RLEMap & m = *map;
   321   for (int r = 0; r < m.imageLength(); r++)
   322     {
   323       startX = 0;
   324       endX = -1;
   325       rowdata = m[r];
   327       for (ListElement* ptr = rowdata->first; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) 
   328 	{
   329 	  item = (RLEPair *)(ptr->item);
   330 	  startX = item->start;	  
   331 	  for ( pos = endX+1; pos< startX; pos++)
   332 	  cout << " ";
   333           endX = item->end;	  
   334 	  for ( pos = startX; pos <= endX; pos++)
   335 	    cout << "X";
   336 	}
   337       cout << "" << endl;
   338     }
   340 }
   342 void RLEMap::printPairs(int startRow, int endRow)
   343 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
   344 Primary Purpose: Prints RLE Pairs for this map from startRow to endRow  
   345 Rev:11/2 KM
   346 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
   347 {
   348   int startX, endX;
   349   RLEPair * item;
   350   RLEPairs * rowdata;
   352   RLEMap & m = *this;
   353   cout << "printing rows " << startRow << " to " << endRow << endl;
   354   for (int r = startRow; r <= endRow; r++)
   355     {
   356       rowdata = m[r];
   358       cout << "row " << r << " ";
   360       for (ListElement *ptr = rowdata->first; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) 
   361 	{
   362 	  item = (RLEPair *)(ptr->item);
   363 	  startX = item->start;	  
   364 	  endX = item->end;
   365 	  cout << "(" << startX << "," << endX <<")";
   366 	}
   367       cout << endl;
   368     }
   369 }
   371 void testpixelsBetween(RLEMap * map)
   372 // tests out a row by making sure that pixels between 
   373 // 0 and ImageWidth - 1 == pixels in sub ranges of 29 pixels
   374 // Test performed on center row.
   375 {
   376   int start = 0;
   377   int end = 28;
   379   int pcount;
   380   int sum = 0;
   381   RLEPairs * pairs;
   382   int row;
   384   for (row = 0; row < map->imageLength(); row++)
   385     {
   386       pairs = (*map)[row];  
   387       while (start <= map->imageWidth())
   388 	{
   389 	  pcount = pairs->pixelsBetween(start, end);
   390 //	  printf("row %d col %d to %d - %d pixels\n",row, start,end,pcount);
   391 	  sum += pcount;
   392 	  start +=29;
   393 	  end +=29;
   394 	}
   395       if (sum !=0)
   396 	printf("row %d sum was %d , should be %d\n", row, sum, pairs->numPixels);
   397       assert(sum == pairs->numPixels);
   398       start = 0;
   399       end = 28;
   400       sum = 0;
   401     }
   403   delete pairs;
   404 }
   406 int RLEMap::deskew()
   407 /* going to be a (near-blind) steal from fateman */
   408 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
   409 Primary Purpose: deskewing an RLEMap
   410 Arguments: none 
   411 Return Value: 1 if the page is altered, 0 if not
   412 Effects: RLEMap is straightened out
   413 Constraints: RLE shouldn't be tilted too much (< 10deg)
   414 Rev: AR 11/1/95
   415 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
   416 {
   417   double skew = -get_skew(this);  /* skew in rad */
   418   if((skew >= MINIMUM_SKEW_ANGLE)||(skew <= - MINIMUM_SKEW_ANGLE))
   419     {
   420       double h = tan(skew / (180 / M_PI));  
   421       if(h > 0)
   422 	  {
   423 	    tilt_and_slant(1/h, 1); /* clockwise */
   424 	    return 1;
   425 	  }
   426       else if (h < 0)
   427 	  {
   428 	    tilt_and_slant(-(1/h), -1); /* counter clockwise */
   429 	    return 1;
   430 	  }
   431       else
   432 	return 0;
   433     }
   434   else 
   435     return 0;
   436 }
   438 #define DEBUG_TILT_AND_SLANT 1
   439 void RLEMap::tilt_and_slant(double step, int direction)
   440 /*--------------------------------------------------------------
   441 Primary Purpose: do the work of shifting the RLEMap
   442 Arguments: step--something about how many rows to go before shifting,
   443            direction--counterclockwise or clockwise
   444 Return Value: none
   445 Effects: rotates the RLEMap some ammount by tilting the map slightly,
   446         then slanting it. (duh). Not an exact rotation
   447 Constraints:
   448 Rev: AR 11/1/95
   449 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
   450 {
   452     printf("Call to tilt_and_slant: step = %lf, direction = %d\n ", step, direction);
   453   if(direction > 0)
   454     {
   455       tilt(step, direction);  
   456       slant(step, direction);
   457     }
   458   else
   459     {
   460       slant(step, -direction);
   461       tilt(step, direction); 
   462     }
   463 }     
   465 #define DEBUG_SLANT 1
   466 /*  "slant a picture by shifting lines horizontally 1 bit every step rows"
   467   ;; dir 1 means shift to right as row number increases
   468   ;; dir -1 means shift by left
   469   ;; this does not rotate the picture, since rows are each unchanged.
   470   ;; the effect of a positive direction, say (slantpic pic 3 3 1)
   471   ;; is to "italicize".
   472 */  
   473 void RLEMap::slant(double step, int direction)
   474 {
   475   if(DEBUG_SLANT)
   476     printf("Slant called, step = %lf, dir = %d\n", step, direction);
   477   fImageWidth += (int)((double)fImageLength / (double)step);
   478   int shift_amount = direction;
   479   int num_steps = 1;
   480   for(int i = 0; i < fImageLength; i++)
   481       {
   482 	if(i > (num_steps*(int)step))  
   483 /* if we have gone through step rows, increment the shift */
   484 	    {
   485 	      shift_amount += direction;
   486 	      num_steps++;
   487 	    }
   488 /*	printf("Shifting row %d by %d\n", i, shift_amount);  */
   489 	fMapData[i]->shift(shift_amount);
   490       }
   491 }
   495 void RLEMap::display_intervals(char* color)
   496 {
   497   if(!DISPLAY_IMAGE)
   498     return;
   499   double skip;
   500   last_status = 0.0;
   501   printf("SCALE_FACTOR = %lf  ", SCALE_FACTOR);
   502   skip = 1.0 / SCALE_FACTOR;
   503   printf("Skip = %lf\n", skip);
   505   /* delete any garbage hanging around */
   506   docommand(".main_window.display.work_space delete all");
   508   set_status("Displaying Image: 0%...");
   509   for(int i= 0; (int)(i*skip) < ((double)fImageLength); i++)
   510     {
   511       set_display_status((int)(i*skip), fImageLength);
   512       fMapData[(int)(i*skip)]->draw_pairs(i, color, 1.0/skip);
   513     }
   514   last_status = 0.0;
   515   update();
   516   set_status("Displaying Image: Done");
   517 }
   519 void RLEMap::tilt(double step, int direction)
   520 {
   521 /*    printf("tilt called, step = %lf, dir = %d\n", step, direction); */
   522   int old_height = fImageLength;
   523   int new_height = /* ceiling */ (int)(((double)fImageWidth) / step) + old_height;
   524   int delta = old_height - new_height;
   525   RLEPairs ** new_data = new RLEPairs*[new_height];
   526   for(int i = 0; i < new_height; i++)
   527       {
   528 	new_data[i] = new RLEPairs(i);
   529       }
   530   for(int j = 0; j < old_height; j++)
   531       {
   532 	tilt_row(j, delta, new_data, step, direction);
   533       }
   534   fMapData = new_data;  /* probably want to delete old data */
   535   fImageLength = new_height;
   536   display_intervals("black");
   537 }  
   540 void RLEMap::tilt_row(int old_row_index, int old_new_row_diff, RLEPairs** new_data, double step, int direction)
   541 {
   542 /*    printf("Tilt row called: old row = %d, row diff = %d, step = %lf, dir = %d\n", old_row_index, old_new_row_diff, step, direction); */
   544   double cur_x = 0;  /* I don't know what will happen with negative rows */
   545   double new_x;
   546   int cur_y = old_row_index + (old_new_row_diff * direction);
   548   while(((new_x = cur_x + step) < fImageWidth) &&
   549 	(cur_y >= 0) && (cur_y < fImageLength))
   550     {
   551       RLEPairs* new_pairs;
   552       new_pairs = (fMapData[old_row_index])->extract((int) cur_x, (int)new_x);
   553       new_data[cur_y]->merge(new_pairs);
   554       cur_x = new_x + 1;
   555       cur_y += direction;
   556     }
   557 }