changeset 0 6b8091ca909a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/reference/ocr-new/	Thu May 18 23:12:51 2006 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+/**  convertMap.h
+Functions for converting  from one Map form to another 
+and extracting smaller maps. There are four polymorphic
+functions.   The general format is
+convertMap(MapType * source,MapType * target, Point ul, Point lr)
+MapTypes can be - BitMap or  RLEMap,
+source - the map to be converted from
+target - The map to be converted to.  Memory will be allocated
+         for target's contents. 
+ul and lr mark a range to copy.   If both are the global var NOPNT 
+the entire map will  be copied.
+Functions return a MapStatus which will be VALID or OTHERERROR
+if there was an error in the conversion.  An error might be due
+to a user specifying an out of range ul and lr
+#include "system.h"
+#include "Point.h"
+#include "BitMap.h"
+#include "RLEMap.h"
+#include "convertMap.h"
+/****  BitMap Conversion ***/
+MapStatus convertMap(BitMap * source,  RLEMap * target, Point ul, Point lr)
+Primary Purpose:  Convert a bitMap to a RLEMap
+Arguments:    Right now just does full bit map coversion ul/lr dont work
+Return Value: Returns valid if copy did not encounter any errors.
+Constraints: target is a pointer to an RLEMap
+Rev: 10/24/95
+  uchar * rowdata;
+  int numChars;
+  assert(target != NULL);  // target must be allocated with new RLEMap
+                          // before being passed to this function.
+  assert(source !=NULL);  
+  if (ul == NOPNT) ul = Point(0,0);
+  if (lr == NOPNT) lr = Point(source->imageWidth()-1, 
+			      source->imageLength()-1);
+  if (!(lr > ul)) return OTHERERROR;
+  target->imageWidth() = lr.x() - ul.x()+1;
+  target->imageLength() = lr.y() - ul.y()+1;
+  target->status() = source->status();
+  target->fMapData = new (RLEPairs*)[target->imageLength()]; 
+  for (int i = 0; i <= (lr.y() - ul.y()); i++)
+    {
+      numChars= target->imageWidth() /8 + 1;  // number of char entries
+      // Create a list of RLEPairs for this row and fill with buffer data
+      rowdata = source->row(i+ul.y());
+      target->fMapData[i] = new RLEPairs(i);  
+      target->fMapData[i]->fill(&(rowdata[ul.x()/8]), numChars, i);
+    }
+return VALID;
+/**** RLEMap Conversion   ***/
+MapStatus convertMap(RLEMap * source,  BitMap * target, Point ul, Point lr)
+Purpose: Converts an RLEMap to a BitMap;
+Arguments:    Right now just does full bit map coversion ul/lr dont work
+Return Value: Returns valid if copy did not encounter any errors.
+Constraints: target is a pointer to a BitMap which must be previously
+allocated with new BitMap;
+Rev: 10/24/95
+  RLEPairs * rmapRowData;     
+  RLEPair * item;
+  int numChars,startX,endX;
+  assert(target != NULL);  // target must be allocated with new BitMap
+                          // before being passed to this function.
+  assert(source !=NULL);
+  target->imageWidth() = source->imageWidth();
+  target->imageLength() = source->imageLength();
+  target->status() = source->status();
+  target->fMapData = new (uchar *)[target->imageLength()]; 
+ for (int i = 0; i < source->imageLength(); i++)
+    {
+      numChars= source->imageWidth() /8 + 1;  // number of char entries
+      // Convert RLEPairs to uchar array
+      rmapRowData = source->row(i);
+      target->fMapData[i] = new uchar[numChars];
+      for(int j=0; j < numChars; j++)target->fMapData[i][j] = 0;
+      // convert this row from RLE to uchars
+      ListElement *ptr = rmapRowData->first;
+      for (; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) 
+	{
+	  item = (RLEPair *)(ptr->item);
+	  startX = item->start;	  
+          endX = item->end;	  
+	  setRange(target->fMapData[i],  startX, endX);
+	}
+    }
+return VALID;
+//MapStatus convertMap(RLEMap * source,  RLEMap * target, Point ul, Point lr)
+Primary Purpose:
+Return Value:
+//return EMPTY;
+void testConvertMap(char * filename)
+// Reads in BitMap and converts to RLEMap then prints on screen
+// Next converts back to BitMap, back to RLEMap and prints
+    BitMap * m = new BitMap;
+    RLEMap * rm = new RLEMap;
+    m->readMap(filename);
+    convertMap(m,rm);
+    cout << "length chk " << m->imageLength()<< "==" << rm->imageLength()<< endl;
+    cout << "width chk " << m->imageWidth()<< "==" << rm->imageWidth() << endl;
+    cout << "status chk"<<m->status() << "==" << rm->status() << endl;
+    printMap(rm);
+    // Now test conversion the other way
+    delete m;
+    m = new BitMap;
+    convertMap(rm,m);
+    delete rm;
+    rm = new RLEMap;
+    convertMap(m,rm);
+    printMap(rm);