changeset 0 6b8091ca909a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/reference/ocr-simple/init_small_display.tcl	Thu May 18 23:12:51 2006 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# the windows in here were for debugging skew etc.
+# not all that important anymore
+toplevel .t
+wm geometry .t 600x710+0+0
+wm title .t "Image Display"
+frame .t.f -width 600 -height 710
+pack .t.f
+canvas .t.f.c -xscrollcommand ".t.f.xscroller set" -yscrollcommand ".t.f.yscroller set" -width 700 -height 700 -background gray -xscrollincrement 40 -yscrollincrement 40
+scrollbar .t.f.xscroller -command ".t.f.c xview" -orient horizontal
+scrollbar .t.f.yscroller -command ".t.f.c yview"
+pack .t.f.xscroller -side bottom -fill x
+pack .t.f.c .t.f.yscroller -side left -fill y
+# .t.f.c create bitmap 100 100 -bitmap @/amd/nfs/cochise/home/ee/cs169/fa95/class/cs169-ab/tif/test
+toplevel .histogram
+wm title .histogram "Skew Projections"
+wm geometry .histogram 500x800+620+0
+canvas .histogram.c -width 800 -height 800
+pack .histogram.c