changeset 0 6b8091ca909a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/reference/ocr-simple/new_ui.tcl	Thu May 18 23:12:51 2006 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
+# user interface code (tcl visuals) for OCR
+# started 9/95, Archie Russell 
+append OCRCHIE_ROOT [pwd] "/"
+append face_image $OCRCHIE_ROOT face_happy.xbm
+append eye_image $OCRCHIE_ROOT eye.xbm
+append write_image $OCRCHIE_ROOT edit2.xbm
+set xvprocess "0"
+set main_window_width 800
+set main_window_height 800
+set dummy 0
+# I'd like to be able to use the above parameters in here,
+# but I think tcl might get a little angry if I try
+# the size of the window, and the position of its upper left
+set main_window_geometry 800x800+200+100
+set menu_bar_width $main_window_width
+set menu_bar_height 50
+set button_bar_width $main_window_width
+set button_bar_height 50
+set display_height 400
+set edit_window_height 300
+set quit_dialog_geometry 300x135+500+500
+set save_ascii_geometry 275x140+500+500
+# save a little room for scrollbars, etc.
+set FOREGROUND #000000
+# set FONT -bitstream-*-medium-r-normal--26-171-110-110-p-150-iso8859-1
+set FONT -bitstream-*-medium-r-normal--19-140-85-85-p-110-hp-roman8
+set SMALLFONT -bitstream-*-medium-r-normal--19-140-85-85-p-110-hp-roman8
+set EDIT_BACKGROUND #000000
+set scroll_inc 30
+set canvas_width [expr $main_window_width - 30]
+proc init_user_interface {} {
+# tcl requires declaration of global variables used in a fxn
+    global main_window_geometry main_window_width main_window_height menu_bar_width menu_bar_height button_bar_width button_bar_height display_height BACKGROUND FOREGROUND EDIT_BACKGROUND edit_window_height
+# toplevel windows are at the same level as 'xterms'    
+    toplevel .main_window
+# $ sign means 'get the value' (otherwise uses the string)
+    wm geometry .main_window $main_window_geometry
+    wm title .main_window "OCR user interface"
+    .main_window configure -background $BACKGROUND
+# frames are subwindows that are there mostly to 'hold' other windows
+    frame .main_window.menu_bar -width $menu_bar_width -height $menu_bar_height -relief raised -bd 2 -background $BACKGROUND
+    init_menu_bar
+    frame .main_window.button_bar -width $button_bar_width -height $button_bar_height -background $BACKGROUND 
+    init_button_bar
+    init_display
+    frame .main_window.edit_window -width $main_window_width -height $edit_window_height -relief ridge -bd 5 -bg $EDIT_BACKGROUND
+    init_edit_window
+# pack puts things together: this will put the menu_bar window just above the button_bar_window above the display
+    pack .main_window.menu_bar -side top -fill x
+    pack .main_window.button_bar .main_window.display .main_window.edit_window -side top -anchor w
+    focus .main_window
+proc init_menu_bar { } {
+# this command initializes the main menu bar (stuff like file, etc)
+# shortcuts not working! why?
+    menubutton .main_window.menu_bar.file -text "File " -menu -borderwidth 2 -background $BACKGROUND -foreground $FOREGROUND -font $FONT
+    init_file_menu
+    menubutton -text "Tools " -menu  -borderwidth 2 -background $BACKGROUND -foreground $FOREGROUND -font $FONT
+    init_tools_menu
+    menubutton  .main_window.menu_bar.options -text "Options " -menu  -borderwidth 2 -background $BACKGROUND -foreground $FOREGROUND -font $FONT
+    init_options_menu
+    pack .main_window.menu_bar.file .main_window.menu_bar.options -side left -padx 1m -pady 1m 
+# if we ever put in the help junk...
+#    menubutton -text "Help" -menu  -borderwidth 2 -background $BACKGROUND -foreground $FOREGROUND -font $FONT
+#    pack -side right
+proc init_file_menu { } {
+# this creates the menu associated with the file menubutton
+    menu -background $BACKGROUND -foreground $FOREGROUND -font $FONT
+# and these initialize the entries in the menu (open is linked to the command popup_open_menu)
+ add command -label "Open..." -command popup_open_menu 
+ add command -label "Close" -command close_document 
+ add separator
+# add command -label "Save TIFF" -command popup_save_tiff_menu 
+ add command -label "Save ASCII" -command popup_save_ascii_menu 
+ add command -label "Save WORD/POS" -command popup_save_word_pos_menu 
+ add command -label "Save Learned Characters" -command popup_save_learned_chars_menu 
+ add command -label "Read Learned Characters" -command popup_read_learned_chars_menu 
+# add command -label "Save Setup" -command popup_save_setup_menu 
+# a separator is just a horizontal line for show
+ add separator
+ add command -label "Quit" -command popup_quit_dialog_box 
+proc close_document { } {
+    .main_window.edit_window.text_part delete 1.0 end
+    .main_window.display.work_space delete all
+    set COLORED_WORDS {}
+proc init_tools_menu { } {
+# this creates the menu associated with the tools menubutton
+    menu -background $BACKGROUND -foreground $FOREGROUND -font $FONT
+# and these initialize the entries in the menu (open is linked to the command popup_open_menu)
+#    supposed to just find the angle and tell you what it is...
+# add command -label "Skew Angle" -command popup_skew_angle_menu 
+#  supposed to let the user arbitrarily rotate the image
+# add command -label "Rotate" -command popup_rotate_menu
+ add command -label "Recognize" -command popup_recognize_menu
+ add separator
+ add command -label "Zoom in" -command ZOOM_IN
+ add command -label "Zoom out" -command ZOOM_OUT
+ add separator
+ add command -label "Refresh" -command DISPLAY_INTERVALS 
+ add command -label "Deskew" -command popup_deskew_menu
+# automated spell correction
+# add command -label "SpellCorrect" -command popup_correct_menu
+# interactive learning
+# add command -label "Learn Mode" -command popup_learn_mode
+proc popup_learn_mode { } {
+    toplevel .learn 
+    frame .learn.c -width 100 -height 100
+    canvas .learn.c.c -background $BACKGROUND -width 100 -height 100
+    pack .learn.c.c
+    frame .learn.s
+    entry .learn.s.learned_string -width 5 -bg $BACKGROUND -fg $FOREGROUND -font $SMALLFONT
+    label .learn.s.string_message -text "Ascii" -bg $BACKGROUND -fg $FOREGROUND -font $SMALLFONT
+    pack .learn.s.learned_string .learn.s.string_message -side left -expand 1 
+    tk_optionMenu .learn.font CURRENT_DEFAULT_FONT Helvetica Courier Times 
+    .learn.font configure -bg $BACKGROUND -fg $FOREGROUND -font $SMALLFONT
+ configure -bg $BACKGROUND -fg $FOREGROUND
+    tk_optionMenu .learn.size CURRENT_DEFAULT_SIZE 9 10 12 18 
+    .learn.size configure -bg $BACKGROUND -fg $FOREGROUND -font $SMALLFONT
+ configure -bg $BACKGROUND -fg $FOREGROUND
+    frame .learn.buttons
+    button .learn.buttons.ok -text Learn -command learn_ok -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -width 5
+    button .learn.buttons.cancel -text Skip -command learn_skip -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -width 5
+    pack .learn.buttons.ok .learn.buttons.cancel -side left -expand 1 -fill x 	    
+    pack .learn.c .learn.s .learn.font .learn.size .learn.buttons -side top -fill x 
+proc popup_deskew_menu { } {
+    puts stdout "Calling get_skew"
+    DESKEW 
+proc popup_recognize_menu { } {
+    puts stdout "Calling recognize from Tcl"
+set XV 2
+proc init_options_menu { } {
+    global dummy word_certainty_value screen_view_style FOREGROUND BACKGROUND FONT XV
+    menu -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $FONT
+ add command -label "Warning Levels..." -command popup_confidence_menu
+# add command -label "Zoom Ratio" -command popup_zoom_ratio_menu
+ add checkbutton -label "Display Line Boundaries" -variable DISPLAY_LINE_BOUNDARIES
+ add checkbutton -label "Display Bounding Boxes" -variable DISPLAY_BOUNDING_BOXES
+ add checkbutton -label "Spellcheck" -variable SPELLCHECK
+ add separator
+ add radiobutton -label "No Display" -variable DISPLAY_IMAGE -value 0
+ add radiobutton -label "OCRchie Display" -variable DISPLAY_IMAGE -value 1
+ add radiobutton -label "xv" -variable DISPLAY_IMAGE -value $XV
+ add separator
+ add radiobutton -label "No deskew" -variable DESKEW_METHOD -value -1
+ add radiobutton -label "RLE rotate" -variable DESKEW_METHOD -value 1
+ add radiobutton -label "Bitmap rotate" -variable DESKEW_METHOD -value 0
+set GLOBAL_MESSAGE "<none>"
+proc init_button_bar { } {
+    message .main_window.button_bar.msg -font $FONT -background $BACKGROUND -foreground $FOREGROUND -width 400
+    pack .main_window.button_bar.msg
+proc init_display { } {
+    global display_height canvas_width FOREGROUND BACKGROUND IMAGE_DISPLAY_WIN main_window_width display_height scroll_inc 
+    frame .main_window.display -width $main_window_width -height $display_height -relief ridge -bd 5 -bg $BACKGROUND
+    canvas .main_window.display.work_space -bg white -xscrollcommand ".main_window.display.xscroller set" -yscrollcommand ".main_window.display.yscroller set" -xscrollincrement $scroll_inc -cursor {crosshair black gray} -width $canvas_width -height $display_height
+# two scrollbars
+    scrollbar .main_window.display.xscroller -command ".main_window.display.work_space xview" -orient horizontal -background $BACKGROUND
+    scrollbar .main_window.display.yscroller -command ".main_window.display.work_space yview" -background $BACKGROUND
+    pack .main_window.display.xscroller -side bottom -fill x
+    pack .main_window.display.work_space .main_window.display.yscroller -side left -fill y
+    set IMAGE_DISPLAY_WIN .main_window.display.work_space
+    .main_window.display.work_space configure -scrollregion { 0 0 5000 5000 }
+#    initialize_region_grab 
+proc init_edit_window { } {
+    text .main_window.edit_window.text_part -bg $EDIT_BACKGROUND -height $edit_window_height -width $canvas_width -insertbackground yellow -insertwidth 8 -font $SMALLFONT -fg white -wrap word
+    pack .main_window.edit_window.text_part -side bottom
+    .main_window.edit_window.text_part tag configure LOW_PRECISION -background $LOW_PRECISION_BACKGROUND
+    .main_window.edit_window.text_part tag configure MISPELLED -background $MISPELLED_BACKGROUND
+    .main_window.edit_window.text_part tag configure UNKNOWN_CHAR -background $UNKNOWN_CHAR_BACKGROUND
+# Tab binding for the window is supposed to advance the cursor to the
+# next uncertain word and scroll the image display to show the image
+# of that word
+    bind .main_window.edit_window.text_part <Tab> {
+	if {[llength $COLORED_WORDS] == 0} {
+	    puts stdout "No more words"
+	} else {
+	    .main_window.edit_window.text_part mark set insert [pop_colored_words]
+	    set xpos [pop_colored_words]
+	    set ypos [pop_colored_words]
+#	    puts "xpos and ypos for this word"
+	    set ulx [expr $SCALE_FACTOR * ($xpos - 300)]
+	    set uly [expr $SCALE_FACTOR * ($ypos - 100)]
+	    set lrx [expr $SCALE_FACTOR * ($xpos + 300)]
+	    set lry [expr $SCALE_FACTOR * ($ypos + 100)]
+# I could never get this scrolling to work quite right, maybe
+# someone will figure it out someday 	    
+	    .main_window.display.work_space configure -scrollregion [list $ulx $uly $lrx $lry]
+	    .main_window.display.work_space configure -scrollregion {0 0 5000 5000}
+#	    .main_window.display.work_space xview moveto [expr (($SCALE_FACTOR * $xpos) / $scroll_inc)]
+#	    .main_window.display.work_space yview moveto [expr (($SCALE_FACTOR * $ypos) / $scroll_inc)]
+	    set x [.main_window.edit_window.text_part index insert]
+#	    puts "New index is $x"
+	    .main_window.edit_window.text_part see insert
+	    set local_tags [.main_window.edit_window.text_part tag names insert]
+#	    puts "Tags at this place: $local_tags"
+	}
+	break
+    }
+proc addword { w {xpos 0} {ypos 0} {status OK}} {
+#    puts stdout "Adding $w with status $status"
+    if { ![string compare $status OK] } {
+	.main_window.edit_window.text_part insert end "$w " 
+	.main_window.edit_window.text_part mark set insert end
+    } elseif { ![string compare $status LOW_PRECISION] || ![string compare $status MISPELLED] || ![string compare $status UNKNOWN_CHAR] } {
+	.main_window.edit_window.text_part insert end "$w" $status
+	.main_window.edit_window.text_part insert end " "
+#       xpos and ypos can be tags too, but they really slow things down
+#	.main_window.edit_window.text_part mark set insert end
+#	.main_window.edit_window.text_part mark set insert "end -3 char"
+#	.main_window.edit_window.text_part tag add $status "insert wordstart" "insert wordend"
+#	.main_window.edit_window.text_part tag add x$xpos "insert wordstart" "insert wordend"
+#	.main_window.edit_window.text_part tag add y$ypos "insert wordstart" "insert wordend"
+	.main_window.edit_window.text_part mark set insert "end -3 char"
+	.main_window.edit_window.text_part mark set insert "insert wordstart"
+	lappend COLORED_WORDS [.main_window.edit_window.text_part index insert]
+	lappend COLORED_WORDS $xpos
+	lappend COLORED_WORDS $ypos
+	.main_window.edit_window.text_part mark set insert end
+    } else {
+	puts stdout "Unknown word status for $w: $status"
+	.main_window.edit_window.text_part insert end "$w UNKNOWNSTATUS? "
+    }
+proc pop_colored_words { } {
+    global COLORED_WORDS
+    set x [lindex $COLORED_WORDS 0]
+    if {[llength $COLORED_WORDS] == 1} {
+    } elseif {[llength $COLORED_WORDS] == 0} {
+    } else {
+    }
+    return $x
+set x_init 0
+set y_init 0
+set x_final 0
+set y_final 0
+set started_region 0
+set region_count 0
+proc initialize_region_grab { } {
+# facilitates the grabbing of a rectangle of the window
+# using mouse button 1
+# and apparently a lot of other junk!
+    global x_init y_init x_final y_final started_region region_data region_list region_id arrow_in_progress current_arrow
+    bind .main_window.display.work_space <ButtonPress-1> {
+	if [expr ! $started_region] {
+	    grab set .main_window.display 
+	    set x_init [.main_window.display.work_space canvasx %x]
+	    set y_init [.main_window.display.work_space canvasy %y]
+	    set region_id [.main_window.display.work_space create rectangle $x_init $y_init $x_init $y_init -outline black -width 3]
+	    .main_window.display.work_space itemconfigure $region_id -tags region$region_id
+	    set started_region 1
+	}
+    }
+    bind .main_window.display.work_space <ButtonRelease-1> {
+	set x_final [.main_window.display.work_space canvasx %x]
+	set y_final [.main_window.display.work_space canvasy %y]
+	.main_window.display.work_space coords region$region_id $x_init $y_init $x_final $y_final
+	# if finishing a rectangle, initialize its stuff in the array
+	if {$x_init <= $x_final} {
+	    set region_data($region_id,x_init) $x_init
+	    set region_data($region_id,x_final) $x_final
+	} else {
+	    set region_data($region_id,x_final) $x_init
+	    set region_data($region_id,x_init) $x_final
+	}
+	if {$y_init <= $y_final} {
+	    set region_data($region_id,y_init) $y_init
+	    set region_data($region_id,y_final) $y_final
+	} else {
+	    set region_data($region_id,y_init) $y_final
+	    set region_data($region_id,y_final) $y_init
+	}
+	set region_data($region_id,next_region_id) 0
+	lappend region_list $region_id
+	make_region_buttons $region_id	    
+	set started_region 0
+	grab release .main_window.display
+    }
+    bind .main_window.display.work_space <B2-Motion> {
+	if $arrow_in_progress {
+	    set curx [.main_window.display.work_space canvasx %x] 
+	    set cury [.main_window.display.work_space canvasy %y]
+	    .main_window.display.work_space coords $current_arrow 0 0 $curx $cury
+	}
+    }
+    bind .main_window.display.work_space <B1-Motion> {
+	if $started_region {
+	    set curx [.main_window.display.work_space canvasx %x] 
+	    set cury [.main_window.display.work_space canvasy %y]
+	    .main_window.display.work_space coords region$region_id $x_init $y_init $curx $cury
+	} 
+    }
+    bind .main_window.display <Leave> {
+	# on leaving the display, release control of the mouse etc.
+	# maybe make it scroll instead?
+	if $started_region {
+	    grab release .main_window.display
+	    set started_region 0
+	    .main_window.display.work_space coords region$region_id 0 0 0 0  
+	}
+    }
+set arrow_in_progress 0
+proc make_region_buttons { reg_id } {
+    global region_data kill_button_data next_button_data arrow_in_progress current_arrow
+    set x_init $region_data($reg_id,x_init)
+    set y_init $region_data($reg_id,y_init)
+    set next_num [.main_window.display.work_space create rectangle $x_init $y_init [expr $x_init + 20] [expr $y_init + 20] -fill blue -tags "region$reg_id next_button$reg_id"]
+    set next_button_data($next_num,reg_id) $reg_id
+    .main_window.display.work_space bind next_button$reg_id <Double-2> {
+	set reg_id $next_button_data([.main_window.display.work_space find withtag current],reg_id)
+	if { $arrow_in_progress } {
+	    finish_arrow $reg_id
+	} else {
+	    set canvas_x [.main_window.display.work_space canvasx %x] 
+	    set canvas_y [.main_window.display.work_space canvasy %y]
+	    start_arrow $reg_id $canvas_x $canvas_y
+	    puts stdout "Starting an arrow at $canvas_x $canvas_y"
+	}
+    }
+    set kill_num [.main_window.display.work_space create rectangle [expr $x_init + 20] $y_init [expr $x_init + 40] [expr $y_init + 20] -fill red -tags "region$reg_id kill_button$reg_id"]
+    set kill_button_data($kill_num,reg_id) $reg_id
+    .main_window.display.work_space bind kill_button$reg_id <Double-2> {
+	set reg_id $kill_button_data([.main_window.display.work_space find withtag current],reg_id)
+	destroy_region $reg_id .main_window.display.work_space
+    }
+proc start_arrow { reg_id x_start y_start } {
+    global arrow_in_progress next_button_data region_data current_arrow
+    set path_name .main_window.display.work_space
+# start an arrow in the middle of the little red button
+    set arrow [.main_window.display.work_space create line $x_start $y_start $x_start $y_start -width 3 -arrow last -arrowshape {6.0m 8.0m 1.5m} -fill blue -tags arrow$reg_id]
+    set region_data($reg_id,arrow) $arrow
+    set arrow_in_progress 1
+    set current_arrow $arrow
+proc destroy_region { reg_id path_name } {
+    $path_name delete region$reg_id
+    puts stdout "Destroying $reg_id"
+set open_menu_geometry 250x300+400+400
+set current_directory [pwd]
+set box_entry $current_directory
+set open_menu_pattern *.tif
+proc popup_open_menu { } {
+# this procedure pops up an interactive box which can be used to open files
+# what a horrible mess.  Writing it took forever
+    global open_menu_geometry open_menu_pattern current_directory FONT FOREGROUND BACKGROUND SMALLFONT box_entry
+    toplevel .open_menu
+    wm geometry .open_menu $open_menu_geometry
+    wm title .open_menu Open
+    .open_menu configure -background $BACKGROUND
+    # force the user to interact with this box
+    # grab set .open_menu 
+    # directory listing and scrollbar
+    frame .open_menu.dirstuff
+    frame .open_menu.cur_dir
+    label .open_menu.cur_dir.l -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -text "Dir: "
+    entry .open_menu.cur_dir.e -relief sunken -bd 2 -textvariable box_entry -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT
+    .open_menu.cur_dir.e icursor end
+    bind .open_menu.cur_dir.e <Return> {
+	set file_to_open $box_entry
+	if [file isdirectory $file_to_open] {
+	    cd $file_to_open
+	    set current_directory [pwd]
+	    clear_directory_box
+	    puts stdout "Changing to  $current_directory"
+	    fill_in_directory_box $current_directory $open_menu_pattern
+	} elseif [file exists $file_to_open] {
+	    puts stdout "Opening file $file_to_open"
+	    my_open $file_to_open
+	    destroy .open_menu
+	} else {
+	    puts stdout "Cannot acccess that file"
+	}
+    }
+    pack .open_menu.cur_dir.l .open_menu.cur_dir.e -side left
+    scrollbar .open_menu.dirstuff.yscroll -command " yview" -background $BACKGROUND
+    listbox -yscrollcommand ".open_menu.dirstuff.yscroll set" -width 22 -height 11 -relief raised -font $SMALLFONT -background $BACKGROUND -foreground $FOREGROUND
+    fill_in_directory_box $current_directory $open_menu_pattern
+    bind <Double-Button-1> {
+	set file_to_open [selection get]
+#        puts stdout "Bound button"	
+	if [file isdirectory $file_to_open] {
+	    cd $file_to_open
+	    set current_directory [pwd]
+	    clear_directory_box
+#	    puts stdout "Changing to  $current_directory"
+	    fill_in_directory_box $current_directory $open_menu_pattern
+	} elseif [file exists $file_to_open] {
+#	    puts stdout "Opening file $file_to_open"
+	    my_open $file_to_open
+	    destroy
+	    destroy .open_menu
+	} else {
+	    puts stdout "Cannot access that file"
+	}
+    }
+    # pattern for listings to match
+    frame .open_menu.pattern_match -background $BACKGROUND 
+    label .open_menu.pattern_match.label -text "Match files of type:" -font $SMALLFONT -background $BACKGROUND -fg $FOREGROUND
+    entry .open_menu.pattern_match.entry -width 5 -relief sunken -bd 2 -textvariable open_menu_pattern -font $SMALLFONT -background $BACKGROUND -fg $FOREGROUND
+    # refresh the directory listing after user presses return
+    bind .open_menu.pattern_match.entry <Return> {
+	set current_directory [pwd]
+	clear_directory_box
+	fill_in_directory_box $current_directory $open_menu_pattern
+    }
+    pack .open_menu.pattern_match.label .open_menu.pattern_match.entry -side left
+    pack .open_menu.dirstuff.yscroll -side left -fill y 
+    pack .open_menu.pattern_match .open_menu.cur_dir .open_menu.dirstuff -side top -anchor w
+    focus .open_menu.pattern_match.entry
+proc popup_confidence_menu { } {
+# a little box for the user to change the confidence 
+# warning levels (words that get highlighted)
+    toplevel .confidence -background $BACKGROUND
+    wm geometry .confidence 250x225+500+500
+    message .confidence.m -text "Warning thresholds for the output display\n (255 = warn unless perfect)" -background $BACKGROUND -foreground $FOREGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -justify center -width 250
+    scale .confidence.very_low -from 0 -to 255 -variable VERY_LOW_CONFIDENCE -orient horizontal -label "Poor (displayed in red)" -background $BACKGROUND -foreground $FOREGROUND -font $SMALLFONT
+    scale .confidence.low -from 0 -to 255 -variable LOW_CONFIDENCE -orient horizontal -label "Fair (displayed in blue)" -background $BACKGROUND -foreground $FOREGROUND -font $SMALLFONT
+    pack .confidence.m .confidence.very_low .confidence.low -side top -fill x
+proc my_open { filename } {
+# 1 means success
+#   puts stdout "Opening $filename"
+    page_open $filename
+#   puts stdout "Done putting into page structure"
+    if { 1 }  {
+	set display_height [expr $SCALE_FACTOR * [get_page_height]]
+	set display_width [expr $SCALE_FACTOR * [get_page_width]]
+	append geometry [expr int($display_width)] x [expr int($display_height)]
+#	puts stdout "Displaying Image"
+	if { $DISPLAY_IMAGE == $XV } {
+	    set xvprocess [exec xv $filename &]
+	    puts stdout "xvprocess $xvprocess"
+	} else {
+# use the canvas...
+	}
+    } else {
+	popup_image_failure_win
+    }
+set save_entry "recog.txt"
+proc popup_save_ascii_menu { } {
+#  Pops up a little window for saving the ascii recognized text
+#  Should have a general function for all the saves, but now
+#  they are just cuts and pastes
+    global save_ascii_geometry BACKGROUND FOREGROUND FONT SMALLFONT save_entry OCRCHIE_ROOT write_image
+    set save_entry recog.txt
+    toplevel .save_ascii -background $BACKGROUND
+    wm geometry .save_ascii $save_ascii_geometry
+    wm title .save_ascii "Save ASCII Text"
+    grab set .save_ascii
+    label .save_ascii.image -bitmap @$write_image -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND
+    frame .save_ascii.s -background $BACKGROUND
+    label .save_ascii.s.txt -text "Save ascii text as:" -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT    
+    entry .save_ascii.s.ent -relief sunken -bd 2 -textvariable save_entry -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT    
+    pack .save_ascii.s.txt .save_ascii.s.ent -side top
+    frame .save_ascii.buttons
+    button .save_ascii.buttons.ok -text OK -command save_ascii -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -width 5
+    button .save_ascii.buttons.cancel -text Cancel -command save_ascii_cancel -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -width 5
+    pack .save_ascii.buttons.ok .save_ascii.buttons.cancel -side left -expand 1 -fill x 	
+    pack .save_ascii.image .save_ascii.s .save_ascii.buttons -side top
+    bind .save_ascii.s.ent <Return> {
+	save_ascii
+    }
+proc save_ascii_cancel { } {
+    destroy .save_ascii
+proc save_ascii { } {
+    # need to put some error checking in here
+    global save_entry
+    set fileid [open $save_entry w]
+    puts $fileid [.main_window.edit_window.text_part get 1.0 end]
+    close $fileid
+    destroy .save_ascii
+proc popup_save_word_pos_menu { } {
+    global save_ascii_geometry BACKGROUND FOREGROUND FONT SMALLFONT save_entry OCRCHIE_ROOT face_image
+    set save_entry recog.wps
+    toplevel .save_word_pos -background $BACKGROUND
+    wm geometry .save_word_pos $save_ascii_geometry
+    wm title .save_word_pos "Save in word/pos format"
+    grab set .save_word_pos
+    label .save_word_pos.image -bitmap @$face_image -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND
+    frame .save_word_pos.s -background $BACKGROUND
+    label .save_word_pos.s.txt -text "Save word_pos text as:" -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT    
+    entry .save_word_pos.s.ent -relief sunken -bd 2 -textvariable save_entry -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT    
+    pack .save_word_pos.s.txt .save_word_pos.s.ent -side top
+    frame .save_word_pos.buttons
+    button .save_word_pos.buttons.ok -text OK -command save_word_pos -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -width 5
+    button .save_word_pos.buttons.cancel -text Cancel -command save_word_pos_cancel -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -width 5
+    pack .save_word_pos.buttons.ok .save_word_pos.buttons.cancel -side left -expand 1 -fill x 	
+    pack .save_word_pos.image .save_word_pos.s .save_word_pos.buttons -side top
+    bind .save_word_pos.s.ent <Return> {
+	save_word_pos
+    }
+proc save_word_pos_cancel { } {
+    destroy .save_word_pos
+proc save_word_pos { } {
+    # need to put some error checking in here
+    global save_entry
+    WRITE_WORD_POS $save_entry
+    destroy .save_word_pos
+proc popup_save_learned_chars_menu { } {
+    global save_ascii_geometry BACKGROUND FOREGROUND FONT SMALLFONT save_entry face_image
+    set save_entry learn.dat
+    toplevel .save_learned_chars -background $BACKGROUND
+    wm geometry .save_learned_chars $save_ascii_geometry
+    wm title .save_learned_chars "Write Learned Characters"
+    grab set .save_learned_chars
+    label .save_learned_chars.image -bitmap @$face_image -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND
+    frame .save_learned_chars.s -background $BACKGROUND
+    label .save_learned_chars.s.txt -text "Save learned characters as:" -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT    
+    entry .save_learned_chars.s.ent -relief sunken -bd 2 -textvariable save_entry -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT    
+    pack .save_learned_chars.s.txt .save_learned_chars.s.ent -side top
+    frame .save_learned_chars.buttons
+    button .save_learned_chars.buttons.ok -text OK -command save_learned_chars -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -width 5
+    button .save_learned_chars.buttons.cancel -text Cancel -command save_learned_chars_cancel -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -width 5
+    pack .save_learned_chars.buttons.ok .save_learned_chars.buttons.cancel -side left -expand 1 -fill x 	
+    pack .save_learned_chars.image .save_learned_chars.s .save_learned_chars.buttons -side top
+    bind .save_learned_chars.s.ent <Return> {
+	save_learned_chars
+    }
+proc save_learned_chars_cancel { } {
+    destroy .save_learned_chars
+proc save_learned_chars { } {
+    # need to put some error checking in here?
+    global save_entry
+    WRITE_LEARNED_CHARS $save_entry
+    destroy .save_learned_chars
+proc popup_read_learned_chars_menu { } {
+    global save_ascii_geometry BACKGROUND FOREGROUND FONT SMALLFONT save_entry eye_image
+    set save_entry learn.dat
+    toplevel .read_learned_chars -background $BACKGROUND
+    wm geometry .read_learned_chars $save_ascii_geometry
+    wm title .read_learned_chars "Read Learned Characters"
+    grab set .read_learned_chars
+    label .read_learned_chars.image -bitmap @$eye_image -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND
+    frame .read_learned_chars.s -background $BACKGROUND
+    label .read_learned_chars.s.txt -text "Read learned characters from:" -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT    
+    entry .read_learned_chars.s.ent -relief sunken -bd 2 -textvariable save_entry -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT    
+    pack .read_learned_chars.s.txt .read_learned_chars.s.ent -side top
+    frame .read_learned_chars.buttons
+    button .read_learned_chars.buttons.ok -text OK -command read_learned_chars -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -width 5
+    button .read_learned_chars.buttons.cancel -text Cancel -command read_learned_chars_cancel -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $SMALLFONT -width 5
+    pack .read_learned_chars.buttons.ok .read_learned_chars.buttons.cancel -side left -expand 1 -fill x 	
+    pack .read_learned_chars.image .read_learned_chars.s .read_learned_chars.buttons -side top
+    bind .read_learned_chars.s.ent <Return> {
+	read_learned_chars
+    }
+proc read_learned_chars_cancel { } {
+    destroy .read_learned_chars
+proc read_learned_chars { } {
+    # need to put some error checking in here
+    global save_entry
+    LEARN_DATA $save_entry
+    destroy .read_learned_chars
+proc PAGE_OPEN { filename } {
+# unused
+    return 1
+proc clear_directory_box { } {
+ delete 0 end
+proc fill_in_directory_box { dirname {pattern *} } {
+# fills in the directory box with directories or files matching the pattern
+    foreach i [exec ls -aF $dirname] {
+	if [file isdirectory $i] {
+ insert end $i
+	} elseif [string match $pattern $i] {
+ insert end $i
+	}
+    }
+proc popup_quit_dialog_box { } {
+    global quit_dialog_geometry BACKGROUND FOREGROUND FONT OCRCHIE_ROOT
+    toplevel .quit_dialog
+    wm geometry .quit_dialog $quit_dialog_geometry
+    wm title .quit_dialog Quit
+    grab set .quit_dialog
+    append caution_image_name $OCRCHIE_ROOT caution.xbm
+    label .quit_dialog.image -bitmap @$caution_image_name -foreground $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND
+   message .quit_dialog.msg -text "You are about to quit OCRchie.  All changes you have made will be lost." -font $FONT -background $BACKGROUND -fg $FOREGROUND -width 275 -justify center
+    frame .quit_dialog.buttons
+    button .quit_dialog.buttons.ok -text OK -command quit_ok -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $FONT -width 5
+    button .quit_dialog.buttons.cancel -text Cancel -command quit_cancel -fg $FOREGROUND -background $BACKGROUND -font $FONT -width 5
+    pack .quit_dialog.buttons.ok .quit_dialog.buttons.cancel -side left -expand 1 -fill x 	
+    pack .quit_dialog.image .quit_dialog.msg .quit_dialog.buttons -side top -fill x
+proc quit_ok { } {
+#    destroy .t
+#    destroy .histogram
+    destroy .main_window
+    destroy .quit_dialog
+    QUIT
+proc quit_cancel { } {
+    global command_not_in_progress
+    set command_not_in_progress 1
+    destroy .quit_dialog
+proc clear_canvas { } {
+    destroy .main_window.display.work_space
+    destroy .main_window.display.xscroller
+    destroy .main_window.display.yscroller
+    destroy .main_window.display
+    init_display
+proc spellcheck { word } {
+# spellchecks a word
+# could change to use spell or some faster program
+    global x
+    set x [exec echo $word | ispell -a]
+    if { ([string last * $x] == -1) && ([string last + $x] == -1) } {
+	return MISPELLED
+    } else {
+    }