changeset 0 3773f4677c40
child 3 f3e55c2386a1
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3773f4677c40
     1 <?php
     2 class Aulib
     3 {
     4 	private $obj = NULL;
     6 	function Aulib()
     7 	{
     8 		$this->obj =& get_instance();
     9 		$this->obj->load->model('aumodel');
    10 		$this->obj->config->load('auconfig');
    11 		if ($this->obj->config->item('au_language') != '') 
    12 			$curLang = $this->obj->config->item('au_language');
    13 		else
    14 			$curLang = $this->obj->config->item('language');    
    15 		$this->obj->lang->load('au', $curLang); 		
    16 	}
    18 	/*
    19 	 * Return "welcome" string with link to login page
    20 	 * Call this function every time on you main page 
    21 	 */
    22 	function getLoginLink()
    23 	{
    24 		$id = $this->getSessionId();
    25 		if($id)
    26 		{
    27 			$logoff_link = $this->obj->lang->line('logout_link_name');
    28 			$welcome_str = $this->obj->lang->line('welcome_string');
    29 			if($welcome_str != '')
    30 			{
    31 				$welcome_str = str_replace('%name%', $this->obj->aumodel->userInfo($id, 'name'), $welcome_str);
    32 				$welcome_str = str_replace('%logoff%', anchor('au/logout',$logoff_link), $welcome_str);
    33 			}
    34 			return $welcome_str;
    35 		}
    36 		else
    37 		{ 
    38 			$login_link = $this->obj->lang->line('login_link_name');
    39 			$registers_link = $this->obj->lang->line('registers_link_name');
    40 			$login_str = $this->obj->lang->line('login_string');
    41 			if($login_str != '')
    42 			{
    43 				$login_str = str_replace('%registers%', anchor('au/registers',$registers_link), $login_str);
    44 				$login_str = str_replace('%login%', anchor('au/login',$login_link), $login_str);
    45 			}
    47 			return $login_str;
    48 		} 
    49 	}
    51 	/*
    52 	 * Return link for call back-end system
    53 	 * This back-end can help you manage users & groups
    54 	 */
    55 	function getManagerLink()
    56 	{
    57 		return anchor('aumanager', $this->obj->lang->line('manager_link_name'));
    58 	}
    60 	/*
    61 	 * function block for set/get session userID
    62 	 */
    63 	function setSessionId($id, $storable = FALSE)
    64 	{
    65 		if( $id < 1 ) 
    66 		{
    67 			$this->obj->session->unset_userdata('id');
    68 			$this->obj->session->unset_userdata('flash');
    69 		}
    70 		else
    71 		{
    72 			$this->obj->session->set_userdata('flash', !$storable);
    73 			$offset = (int) $this->obj->config->item('id_offset');
    75 			 if($storable) 
    76 				$this->obj->session->set_userdata('id', $id * $offset);
    77 		 	else 
    78 		 	{
    79 		 		$this->obj->session->set_flashdata('id', $id * $offset);
    80 		 		$this->obj->session->set_flashdata('expire', time()+$this->obj->config->item('autologin_timeout'));
    81 		 	}
    82 		}
    83 	}
    84 function getSessionId()
    85 { 
    86 		$this->keepSession();
    87 		if($this->obj->session->userdata('flash'))
    88 		{
    89 			if( !$this->obj->session->flashdata('id') )
    90 				return 0;		
    91 		}
    92 		$offset = (int) $this->obj->config->item('id_offset');
    93 		if(!$this->obj->session->userdata('flash'))
    94 			$real_id = ($this->obj->session->userdata('id') / $offset);
    95 		else
    96 			$real_id = ($this->obj->session->flashdata('id') / $offset);
    97 		if(ceil($real_id) != floor($real_id)) 
    98 		{
    99 			$this->logout();
   100 			return 0;
   101 		}
   102 			else 
   103 				return $real_id;
   104 	}
   105 	function keepSession()
   106 	{
   107 		if( ($this->obj->session->userdata('flash')) && ($this->obj->session->flashdata('expire') >= time()) ) 
   108 		{
   109 			$this->obj->session->keep_flashdata('id');
   110 			$this->obj->session->set_flashdata('expire', time()+$this->obj->config->item('autologin_timeout'));
   111 		}   		
   112 	}
   114 	/*
   115 	 * Return TRUE if user is logged on
   116 	 */
   117 	function isLogged() { return (bool) $this->getSessionId();	}
   119 	/*
   120 	 * Return TRUE if user is in group
   121 	 */
   122 	function isGroup($group_name) 
   123 	{
   124 		return ($this->obj->aumodel->getRefId('augroup', $group_name) == $this->obj->aumodel->userInfo($this->getSessionId(), 'group_id')); 
   125 	}
   127 	/*
   128 	 * Return TRUE if user has specified role
   129 	 */
   130 	function isRole($role_name) 
   131 	{
   132 		return ( $this->obj->aumodel->getRefId('aurole', $role_name) == $this->obj->aumodel->userInfo($this->getSessionId(), 'role_id') ); 
   133 	}
   135 	/*
   136 	 * Show "deny access" page
   137 	 */
   138 	function denyAccess()
   139 	{
   140 		$this->obj->load->helper('url');
   141 		redirect('au/denyaccess');
   142 	}
   144 	/*
   145 	 * Create and return captcha
   146 	 * Use standart CI plugin
   147 	 */
   148 	function getCaptcha()
   149 	{
   150 		$this->obj->load->helper('url');
   151 		$this->obj->load->plugin('captcha');
   152 		$vals = array(
   153 						'word' => '',
   154 						'img_path' => $this->obj->config->item('au_captcha_store_path'),
   155 						'img_url' => $this->obj->config->item('au_captcha_img_url'),
   156 						'font_path' => '/system/fonts/texb.ttf',
   157 						'img_width' => '120',
   158 						'img_height' => '40',
   159 						'expiration' => '7200'
   160 						);
   161 		$cap = create_captcha($vals);
   162 		return $cap;		
   163 	}
   164 }
   165 ?>