changeset 0 3773f4677c40
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/config/autoload.php	Thu Dec 25 11:25:58 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| This file specifies which systems should be loaded by default.
+| In order to keep the framework as light-weight as possible only the
+| absolute minimal resources are loaded by default. For example,
+| the database is not connected to automatically since no assumption
+| is made regarding whether you intend to use it.  This file lets
+| you globally define which systems you would like loaded with every
+| request.
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Instructions
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| These are the things you can load automatically:
+| 1. Libraries
+| 2. Helper files
+| 3. Plugins
+| 4. Custom config files
+| 5. Language files
+| 6. Models
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+|  Auto-load Libraries
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| These are the classes located in the system/libraries folder
+| or in your system/application/libraries folder.
+| Prototype:
+|	$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'session', 'xmlrpc');
+$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'session');
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+|  Auto-load Helper Files
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Prototype:
+|	$autoload['helper'] = array('url', 'file');
+$autoload['helper'] = array('url');
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+|  Auto-load Plugins
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Prototype:
+|	$autoload['plugin'] = array('captcha', 'js_calendar');
+$autoload['plugin'] = array();
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+|  Auto-load Config files
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Prototype:
+|	$autoload['config'] = array('config1', 'config2');
+| NOTE: This item is intended for use ONLY if you have created custom
+| config files.  Otherwise, leave it blank.
+$autoload['config'] = array();
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+|  Auto-load Language files
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Prototype:
+|	$autoload['language'] = array('lang1', 'lang2');
+| NOTE: Do not include the "_lang" part of your file.  For example 
+| "codeigniter_lang.php" would be referenced as array('codeigniter');
+$autoload['language'] = array();
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+|  Auto-load Models
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| Prototype:
+|	$autoload['model'] = array('model1', 'model2');
+$autoload['model'] = array();
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+|  Auto-load Core Libraries
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| DEPRECATED:  Use $autoload['libraries'] above instead.
+// $autoload['core'] = array();
+/* End of file autoload.php */
+/* Location: ./system/application/config/autoload.php */