author viric <>
Wed, 21 Dec 2011 21:41:32 +0100
changeset 17 021968512187
parent 16 62f8cead15df
permissions -rw-r--r--
Improving the help when run without parameters.


- Have the libusb development package and libraries installed
- Run "make"

Then you have the program 'pce' which you can run for programming (-s) or
downloading from the device (-d).


Copy the 'pce' program wherever you want.

You will need read-write access to /dev/bus/usb/*/your_device. If you want a bit unsecure but
easy access to it, you may want to set up an udev rule in your system like this:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="10c4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE:="0666"


In order to show graphs, you can setup gnuplot this way to say for example the downloaded
data in a.txt. If the header reads:
# Start: 2010-11-27 23:4:28
# Num Samples: 1118
# Time between samples: 30 s

You can use the unix command date to transform that into a timestamp:
$ date '+%s' -d '2010-11-27 23:4:28'

Then in gnuplot you can run, considering the values of 1290895468s since the epoch and
samples every 30 seconds:
> set xdata time
> plot "dutxa.txt" using ($1*30 + 1290895468):2, "dutxa.txt" using ($1*30 + 1290895468):3


The code is licensed on terms of the GPLv3 license or later. Please find the license in the file
LICENSE distributed with the program.