changeset 3 29cc57a9678e
parent 2 415159228618
child 4 d9259a605dec
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:415159228618 3:29cc57a9678e
     1 #include <stdio.h>
     2 #include <string.h>
     4 #define BOX '$'
     5 #define WALL '#'
     6 #define MAN '@'
     7 #define PLATFORM '.'
     8 #define BOXINPLATFORM '*'
     9 #define MANINPLATFORM 'E'
    10 #define BLANK ' '
    11 #define CANTO '-'
    12 #define MANCANMOVE '+'
    14 #define NBOX(n) ((n)<<2)
    16 #define DIR_LEFT 0
    17 #define DIR_RIGHT 1
    18 #define DIR_UP 2
    19 #define DIR_DOWN 3
    21 #define MAX_X 50
    22 #define MAX_Y 50
    23 #define MAX_MOVES 50
    24 #define MAX_BOXES 15
    26 #define MOVE_OK		1
    27 #define MOVE_BOX	2
    28 #define MOVE_ILLEGAL	0
    30 /* SOKOBAN Solution Finder
    31  *
    32  * Cerca totes les possibilitats de tots els nombres de combinacions possibles,
    33  * menys la que tots els moviments són a l'esquerra del número de combinacions
    34  * incials triat.
    36  * 13/01/2002
    37  * Comentari afegit el 4/01/2003:
    38  * Cerca la solució segons el moviment de caixes, i no el de l'home.
    39  * Falta optimitzar: Llocs on no posar caixes segons les caixes (són dinàmics
    40  * segons cada element de l'array de mapes!)
    41  */
    44 struct Map
    45 {
    46 	char Cells[MAX_Y][MAX_X];
    47 	char ManMoves[MAX_Y][MAX_X];
    48 	int SizeX, SizeY;
    49 	int ManX, ManY;
    50 	int NumPlatforms;
    51 	int NumBoxesInPlatform;
    52 	int BoxX[MAX_BOXES];
    53 	int BoxY[MAX_BOXES];
    54 	int NumBoxes;
    55 };
    58 void CopyMap (struct Map *Mdest, struct Map *Morig)
    59 {
    60 	memcpy((void *) Mdest, (void *) Morig, sizeof (struct Map));
    61 }
    64 void ReadMap(struct Map *M, char *FileName)
    65 {
    66 	FILE *Fitxer;
    67 	int i,j;
    69 	if(!(Fitxer = fopen(FileName, "r")))
    70 	{
    71 		printf("Error opening %s!", FileName);
    72 		exit(1);
    73 	}
    75 	M->SizeX=0;
    76 	M->SizeY=0;
    77 	while (!feof(Fitxer))
    78 	{
    79 		fgets(M->Cells[M->SizeY], MAX_X, Fitxer);
    80 		M->SizeY++;
    81 	}
    82 	M->SizeY--;
    83 	M->SizeX = strlen(M->Cells[0]) - 1;
    85 	M->NumPlatforms = 0;
    86 	M->NumBoxesInPlatform = 0;
    87 	M->NumBoxes = 0;
    88 	for (j = 0; j<M->SizeY; j++)
    89 		for (i=0; i<M->SizeX; i++)
    90 		{
    91 			if (M->Cells[j][i] == MAN)
    92 			{ 
    93 				M->ManX = i; M->ManY = j; 
    94 				M->Cells[M->ManY][M->ManX] = BLANK;
    95 			}
    97 			if (M->Cells[j][i] == PLATFORM)
    98 				M->NumPlatforms++;
    99 			else if (M->Cells[j][i] == BOXINPLATFORM)
   100 			{
   101 				M->Cells[j][i] = PLATFORM;
   103 				M->NumPlatforms++;
   104 				M->NumBoxesInPlatform++;
   106 				M->BoxX[M->NumBoxes] = i;
   107 				M->BoxY[M->NumBoxes] = j;
   108 				M->NumBoxes++;
   109 			} else if (M->Cells[j][i] == BOX)
   110 			{
   111 				M->Cells[j][i] = BLANK;
   113 				M->BoxX[M->NumBoxes] = i;
   114 				M->BoxY[M->NumBoxes] = j;
   115 				M->NumBoxes++;
   116 			} else if (M->Cells[j][i] != WALL)
   117 			{
   118 				if (    (M->Cells[j][i-1] == WALL &&
   119 					 M->Cells[j-1][i] == WALL) ||
   120 					(M->Cells[j][i-1] == WALL &&
   121 					 M->Cells[j+1][i] == WALL) ||
   122 					(M->Cells[j][i+1] == WALL &&
   123 					 M->Cells[j-1][i] == WALL) ||
   124 					(M->Cells[j][i+1] == WALL &&
   125 					 M->Cells[j+1][i] == WALL))
   126 				M->Cells[j][i] = CANTO;
   127 			}
   129 		}
   131 }
   134 void ShowMap (struct Map *M)
   135 {
   136 	struct Map Temp;
   137 	int i,j;
   139 	CopyMap(&Temp, M);
   141 	Temp.Cells[Temp.ManY][Temp.ManX] = MAN;
   143 	for (i = 0; i < Temp.NumBoxes; i++)
   144 	{
   145 		if (Temp.Cells[Temp.BoxY[i]][Temp.BoxX[i]] == BLANK)
   146 			Temp.Cells[Temp.BoxY[i]][Temp.BoxX[i]] = BOX;
   147 		else if (Temp.Cells[Temp.BoxY[i]][Temp.BoxX[i]] == PLATFORM)
   148 			Temp.Cells[Temp.BoxY[i]][Temp.BoxX[i]] = BOXINPLATFORM;
   149 	}
   151 	for (j = 0; j<Temp.SizeY; j++)
   152 	{
   153 		for (i=0; i<Temp.SizeX; i++)
   154 			printf("%c", Temp.Cells[j][i]);
   155 		printf("\n");
   156 	}
   157 	// Print Where the man can move
   158 	for (j = 0; j<Temp.SizeY; j++)
   159 	{
   160 		for (i=0; i<Temp.SizeX; i++)
   161 			printf("%i", Temp.ManMoves[j][i]);
   162 		printf("\n");
   163 	}
   165 	printf("Man is at (%i,%i)\n", Temp.ManX, Temp.ManY);
   166 	printf("Platforms: %i, BoxesInPlatform: %i\n", Temp.NumPlatforms,
   167 			Temp.NumBoxesInPlatform);
   168 }
   172 int InverseMove(char Dir1, char Dir2)
   173 {
   174 	if ((Dir1 + Dir2 == DIR_LEFT + DIR_RIGHT) ||
   175 		(Dir1 + Dir2 == DIR_UP + DIR_DOWN))
   176 		return 1;
   177 	return 0;
   178 }
   181 void GetManMoves(struct Map *M)
   182 {
   183 	int X[MAX_MOVES], Y[MAX_MOVES];
   184 	int NewX[MAX_MOVES], NewY[MAX_MOVES];
   185 	int NumMoves, NewMoves;
   186 	int j, i;
   188 	NumMoves = 1;
   189 	for (j = 0; j<M->SizeY; j++)
   190 		for (i=0; i<M->SizeX; i++)
   191 			M->ManMoves[j][i] = (M->Cells[j][i] == WALL)?WALL:BLANK;
   192 	for (i = 0; i<M->NumBoxes; i++)
   193 		M->ManMoves[M->BoxY[i]][M->BoxX[i]] = WALL;
   195 	NewMoves = 1;
   196 	NewX[0] = M->ManX;
   197 	NewY[0] = M->ManY;
   198 	while (NewMoves)
   199 	{
   200 		NumMoves = NewMoves;
   201 		for (i=0; i<NewMoves; i++)
   202 		{
   203 			X[i] = NewX[i];
   204 			Y[i] = NewY[i];
   205 		}
   206 		NewMoves = 0;
   207 		for (i=0; i<NumMoves; i++)
   208 		{
   209 			if(M->ManMoves[Y[i]][X[i]-1] == BLANK)
   210 			{
   211 				NewX[NewMoves] = X[i]-1;
   212 				NewY[NewMoves] = Y[i];
   213 				M->ManMoves[Y[i]][X[i]-1] = MANCANMOVE;
   214 				NewMoves++;
   215 			}
   216 			else if(M->ManMoves[Y[i]][X[i]+1] == BLANK)
   217 			{
   218 				NewX[NewMoves] = X[i]+1;
   219 				NewY[NewMoves] = Y[i];
   220 				M->ManMoves[Y[i]][X[i]+1] = MANCANMOVE;
   221 				NewMoves++;
   222 			}
   223 			else if(M->ManMoves[Y[i]-1][X[i]] == BLANK)
   224 			{
   225 				NewX[NewMoves] = X[i];
   226 				NewY[NewMoves] = Y[i]-1;
   227 				M->ManMoves[Y[i]-1][X[i]] = MANCANMOVE;
   228 				NewMoves++;
   229 			}
   230 			else if(M->ManMoves[Y[i]+1][X[i]] == BLANK)
   231 			{
   232 				NewX[NewMoves] = X[i];
   233 				NewY[NewMoves] = Y[i]+1;
   234 				M->ManMoves[Y[i]+1][X[i]] = MANCANMOVE;
   235 				NewMoves++;
   236 			}
   237 		}
   238 	}
   239 }
   241 int MoveBox(struct Map *M, int NumBox, int Direction)
   242 {
   243 	char InPlatform;
   245 	InPlatform = (M->Cells[M->BoxY[NumBox]][M->BoxX[NumBox]] == PLATFORM);
   247 	switch(Direction)
   248 	{
   249 		case DIR_LEFT:
   250 			if(M->ManMoves[M->BoxY[NumBox]][M->BoxX[NumBox]+1] ==
   251 				MANCANMOVE)
   252 			{
   253 				if(InPlatform)
   254 					M->NumBoxesInPlatform--;
   255 				M->BoxX[NumBox]--;
   256 				if(M->Cells[M->BoxY[NumBox]][M->BoxX[NumBox]] ==
   257 					PLATFORM)
   258 					M->NumBoxesInPlatform++;
   259 				return 1;
   260 			}else return 0;
   261 			break;
   262 		case DIR_RIGHT:
   263 			if(M->ManMoves[M->BoxY[NumBox]][M->BoxX[NumBox]-1] ==
   264 				MANCANMOVE)
   265 			{
   266 				if(InPlatform)
   267 					M->NumBoxesInPlatform--;
   268 				M->BoxX[NumBox]++;
   269 				if(M->Cells[M->BoxY[NumBox]][M->BoxX[NumBox]] ==
   270 					PLATFORM)
   271 					M->NumBoxesInPlatform++;
   272 				return 1;
   273 			}else return 0;
   274 			break;
   275 		case DIR_UP:
   276 			if(M->ManMoves[M->BoxY[NumBox]-1][M->BoxX[NumBox]] ==
   277 				MANCANMOVE)
   278 			{
   279 				if(InPlatform)
   280 					M->NumBoxesInPlatform--;
   281 				M->BoxY[NumBox]--;
   282 				if(M->Cells[M->BoxY[NumBox]][M->BoxX[NumBox]] ==
   283 					PLATFORM)
   284 					M->NumBoxesInPlatform++;
   285 				return 1;
   286 			}else return 0;
   287 			break;
   288 		case DIR_DOWN:
   289 			if(M->ManMoves[M->BoxY[NumBox]+1][M->BoxX[NumBox]] ==
   290 				MANCANMOVE)
   291 			{
   292 				if(InPlatform)
   293 					M->NumBoxesInPlatform--;
   294 				M->BoxY[NumBox]++;
   295 				if(M->Cells[M->BoxY[NumBox]][M->BoxX[NumBox]] ==
   296 					PLATFORM)
   297 					M->NumBoxesInPlatform++;
   298 				return 1;
   299 			}else return 0;
   300 			break;
   301 	}
   302 	return 0;
   303 }
   306 int main(int argn, char **argv)
   307 {
   308 	struct Map Morigin;
   309 	struct Map M[MAX_MOVES+1];
   310 	int Moves[MAX_MOVES];
   311 	int NumMoves;
   312 	int OldMaps;
   313 	int IllegalMove;
   314 	int Carry;
   316 	int i;
   318 	if (argn != 3)
   319 	{
   320 		printf("Usage: %s <mapfile> <initial NumMoves>\n", argv[0]);
   321 		exit(3);
   322 	}
   323 	ReadMap(&Morigin, argv[1]);
   324 	sscanf(argv[2], "%i", &NumMoves);
   326 	ShowMap(&Morigin);
   328 	for (i = 0; i < NumMoves; i++)
   329 		Moves[i] = NBOX(0) + DIR_LEFT;
   331 	// Reget the original map
   332 	CopyMap(&M[0], &Morigin);
   333 	CopyMap(&M[NumMoves], &Morigin);	// For the first while cond.
   335 	GetManMoves(&M[0]);
   336 	ShowMap(&Morigin);
   338 	IllegalMove = NumMoves - 1;
   339 	// Process the combination
   340 	for (i = 0; i < NumMoves; i++)
   341 	{
   342 		CopyMap(&M[i+1], &M[i]);
   343 		if (!MoveBox(&M[i+1], Moves[i]>>2, Moves[i] & 0x03))
   344 		{
   345 			IllegalMove = i;
   346 			break;
   347 		}
   348 	}
   350 	// Main solution finder loop
   351 	while (M[NumMoves].NumPlatforms != M[NumMoves].NumBoxesInPlatform)
   352 	{
   353 		// Increase the Counter
   354 		{
   355 			Carry = 1;
   356 			// Reset the direction of sure-invalid moves
   357 			for (i = IllegalMove + 1; i < NumMoves; i++)
   358 				Moves[i] = NBOX(0) + DIR_LEFT;
   359 			// Increase Counter for a new try of moves
   360 			for (i = IllegalMove; i >= 0 && Carry; i--)
   361 			{
   362 				Moves[i]++;
   363 				Carry = 0;
   364 				if (Moves[i] ==NBOX(M[0].NumBoxes-1)+DIR_DOWN+1)
   365 				{ Moves[i] = NBOX(0) + DIR_LEFT; Carry = 1; }
   366 			}
   367 			OldMaps = i+1;	// Sure? I think it's i+1
   368 			// If we change the number of movements for solution
   369 			if (Carry)
   370 			{
   371 				if (NumMoves > MAX_MOVES)
   372 					break;	// MAX MOVES EXCEEDED!!!
   373 				NumMoves++;
   374 				for (i = 0; i < NumMoves; i++)
   375 					Moves[i] = NBOX(0) + DIR_LEFT;
   376 				OldMaps=0;
   377 				CopyMap(&M[NumMoves], &Morigin);
   378 					// For the first while cond.
   379 				printf("Provant %i moviments...\n", NumMoves);
   380 			}
   381 		}
   383 /*
   384 		// Print the combination
   386 		for (i=0; i < NumMoves; i++)
   387 		{
   388 			printf("%c", Moves[i]);
   389 		}
   390 		printf("\n");
   391 */
   393 		IllegalMove = NumMoves - 1;
   394 		// Process the combination
   395 		for (i = OldMaps; i < NumMoves - 1; i++)
   396 		{
   397 			CopyMap(&M[i+1], &M[i]);
   398 			if (!MoveBox(&M[i+1], Moves[i]>>2, Moves[i] & 0x03))
   399 			{
   400 				IllegalMove = i;
   401 				break;
   402 			} /*else
   403 			if (((Moves[i] + Moves[i-1] == DIR_LEFT + DIR_RIGHT) ||
   404 				(Moves[i] + Moves[i-1] == DIR_UP + DIR_DOWN)) &&
   405 				!M[i].BoxMoved)
   406 			{
   407 				IllegalMove = i;
   408 				break;
   409 			}*/
   410 			GetManMoves(&M[i+1]);
   412 		}
   413 		// Here i = NumMoves - 1
   414 		CopyMap(&M[i+1], &M[i]);
   415 		if (!MoveBox(&M[i+1], Moves[i]>>2, Moves[i] & 0x03))
   416 			IllegalMove = i;
   418 	}
   420 	// Print the combination
   421 	for (i=0; i < NumMoves; i++)
   422 	{
   423 		printf("%i", Moves[i] >> 2);
   424 		if ((Moves[i] & 0x03) == DIR_LEFT)
   425 			printf("L");
   426 		else if ((Moves[i] & 0x03) == DIR_RIGHT)
   427 			printf("R");
   428 		else if ((Moves[i] & 0x03) == DIR_UP)
   429 			printf("U");
   430 		else
   431 			printf("D");
   432 		printf(",");
   433 	}
   434 	printf("\n");
   436 /*
   437 	// Print The Steps
   438 	for (i=0; i < NumMoves; i++)
   439 	{
   440 		ShowMap(&M[i]);
   441 	}
   442 */
   443 	return 0;
   445 }