First release of tkcrypt
Wed, 01 Nov 2006 17:02:34 +0100
changeset 0 3a01adf9b543
child 1 f68e1244a263
First release of tkcrypt
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Nov 01 17:02:34 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+text .text -relief sunken -bd 2 -yscrollcommand ".scroll set" -setgrid 1 \
+	-height 30 -undo 1 -autosep 1
+scrollbar .scroll -command ".text yview"
+pack .scroll -side right -fill y
+pack .text -expand yes -fill both
+menu .menu -tearoff 0
+set File .menu.file
+menu $File -tearoff 0 add cascade -label "File" -menu $File
+$File add command -label "New" -command { newfile }
+$File add command -label "Open" -command { openfile }
+$File add command -label "Save" -command { savefile $actualfile $actualpass}
+$File add command -label "Save as..." -command { savefile }
+$File add separator
+$File add command -label "Quit" -command { exit}
+. configure -menu .menu
+set actualpass ""
+set actualfile ""
+wm title . "tkcrypt - New File"
+proc askpassword { op entries } {
+	set tl [toplevel .pass]
+	global password1 password2
+	global actualpass
+	set password1 ""
+	set password2 ""
+	label -text "Please introduce your password two times for $op:"
+	pack -side top
+	entry .pass.entry -textvariable password1 -show "*"
+	pack .pass.entry -side top
+	if { $entries == 2} {
+		entry .pass.entry2 -textvariable password2 -show "*"
+		pack .pass.entry2 -side top
+	}
+	button .pass.ok -text "Ok" -command \
+		{ destroy .pass }
+	pack .pass.ok -side left
+	button .pass.cancel -text "Cancel" \
+		-command {set password1 ""; set password2 ""; destroy .pass}
+	pack .pass.cancel -side right
+	bind .pass.entry <Return> {destroy .pass}
+	bind .pass.entry <Escape> {set password1 ""; set password2 ""; destroy .pass}
+	focus $tl
+	focus $tl.entry
+	grab $tl
+	tkwait window $tl
+	catch { grab release $tl }
+	focus .
+	if { $entries != 2 } {
+		set tmppass $password1
+		set password1 ""
+		return $tmppass
+	}
+	if { $password1 == $password2 } {
+		set tmppass $password1
+		set password1 ""
+		set password2 ""
+		return $tmppass
+	} else {
+		set password1 ""
+		set password2 ""
+		tk_messageBox -type ok -message "The passwords don't match" \
+			-icon error
+		return ""
+	}
+proc newfile { } {
+	global actualpass actualfile
+	set actualpass ""
+	set actualfile ""
+	wm title . "tkcrypt - New File"
+proc openfile { } {
+	global env actualpass actualfile
+	set file [tk_getOpenFile]
+	set pass [askpassword "Open" 1]
+	if { $pass == "" } { return }
+	# Decode
+	set env(PASS) $pass
+	set error [ catch { set txt [exec ccrypt -dc -E PASS $file] } result ]
+	if { $error != 0 } {
+		tk_messageBox -type ok -message "Password incorrect:\n$result" \
+			-icon error
+		return
+	}
+	.text delete 1.0 end
+	.text insert end $txt
+#	while { [eof $fd ] != 1 } {
+#		set line [gets $fd]
+#		.text insert end $line
+#	}
+	set env(PASS) ""
+	set actualpass $pass
+	set actualfile $file
+	wm title . "tkcrypt - $file"
+proc savefile { {file ""} {pass ""} } {
+	global env actualpass actualfile
+	if { $file == "" } {
+		set file [tk_getSaveFile]
+	}
+	if { $pass == "" } {
+		set pass [askpassword "Save" 2]
+		if { $pass == "" } { return }
+	}
+	# Decode
+	set env(PASS) $pass
+	set error [ catch { set fd [open "|ccrypt -E PASS >$file" w] } result ]
+	if { $error != 0 } {
+		tk_messageBox -type ok -message "Password incorrect:\n$result" \
+			-icon error
+		return
+	}
+	puts -nonewline $fd [.text get 1.0 end]
+	close $fd
+	set env(PASS) ""
+	set actualfile $file
+	wm title . "tkcrypt - $file"
+	tk_messageBox -type ok -message "File \"$file\" saved!" \
+			-icon info